How to Care for a Cut Flower Arrangement with Wintergreens

During the Christmas holiday season, we like to use Wintergreens in our Flower Arrangements and Centerpieces. They look Absolutely Stunning! But there are a few things to know to keep your mixed wintergreens and flowers beautiful LONGER.

Typically, Floral Centerpieces are designed in a GREEN SPONGY BLOCK OF FOAM. It’s very difficult to see the waterline or how much water is in the sponge. Wintergreens drink a lot…just like a Christmas tree. The wintergreens will soak up the water faster than the flowers and leave the flowers dehydrated. For this reason, make sure you water your centerpieces twice a day to keep your flowers lasting longer.

When Flowers and Wintergreens are used in a VASED flower arrangement, make sure there are no greens (stems from flowers and needles from wintergreens) under the waterline. Greens cause algae, which will shorten the life of the flower arrangement. Make sure your water looks clear and free of debris. We recommend changing the water at least every other day and cut the stems about an inch on a diagonal for maximum water intake.

Also, keep in mind that flowers in a vase should last about 10 days and in foam about 7 days. Standard flowers such as mums, carnations and alstromeria will last longer, than what we call choice flowers like, roses, tulips, amaryllis and hydrangea. Follow the tips above AND keep your flowers away from any drafts. Never place the flowers in front of a window, a heater or on top of your TV.

Hope you all enjoy your flowers this holiday season and with these tips on proper care, may they get the longevity they deserve!

Michele Fabik